Monday, November 19, 2007

John Wilcox: The Guns of El Kebir

So, having done the Zulu War, the first Boer War, the Bepedi war and the Afghan War, John Wilcox is sending his Sharpe-like hero, Simon Fonthill, to Egypt in 1882. Surely, in the next book he will be interacting with General Gordon?

This next book comes out on December 27th and I may even order the hardback in advance so I can read it over the extended Christmas holidays! If only the Perries made the slightly earlier British infantry! Perhaps it's just as well they don't!

1 comment:

Giles said...

Any idea what that painting is? I love late Victorian-era battle scenes. There's a fantastic (and huge) painting in one of the Rome museums of Italians colonial troops fighting a last stand in Africa somwhere.