Monday, September 24, 2007

A little work on the blog..

Nothing new painted up but that doesn't mean I am not doing anything. I am currently working on the Kings Royal Rifle Corps and the last part of the Naval Brigade: the Gardner Gun. I visited Colours at Newbury and picked up enough figures to build the Royal Marines Light Infantry unit as well.

I also bought a few more Beja to be going along with. The problem is that I have had four weeks of the last five out of the country and it looks like I am off to Los Angeles on Friday. Added to this is the fact that the days are getting less light and I seem to be distracted by Early Saxons and Great Northern Wars at present.

Finally, I have updated the links on the blog to serve as an index.


  1. I noticed that you mention shortening daylight as a problem. How about a daylight simulation bulb in a desk lamp? I've been using one recently and it works pretty well - I've not had any nasty surprises with colour.

  2. I do have a daylight bulb but I find I can't do subtle shading with it.

  3. I think what LH meant is that when it's light at 6am you are more likely to bounce out of bed and squeeze in some cheeky painting before heading off to work. I tend to do that over the summer, but now it's stall dark until almost 7am, I don't....


  4. I don't think that I ever bounce out of bed at any time!
